- Ear2Memory (2016): www.Ear2Memory.com
Learning languages with your smartphone
Explains how often you should listen to an audio file
- The Word Brain (2015): www.TheWordBrain.com
A short guide to fast language learning
Explains the importance of memorizing words
- Italian with Elisa (2015): www.4Elisa.com
A Free Multimedia Language course for the world
220 pages, partly with audio files
- OLIENA (2017): www.oliena.com
Open Language Interface for Enhanced Network Activity
Language recovery after stroke
- Elio Turno Arthemalle: www.bsk1.com/eta
Actor, artistic director, playwright and radio talk show host. One of his programs, Buongiorno Cagliari, has been on air for the last 10 years.
He regularly collaborates with Middlebury College (Vermont, USA), offering acting workshops to students of Italian.
Founder of two theater companies (Riverrun Theater and Impossible Theater), his interests span from the classics to the contemporary, from technology and science (collaborations with INAF and Sardinia Ricerche) to social impact (CGIL, therapeutic communities, ASL, various NGOs).
- Bernd Sebastian Kamps: www.bsk1.com
Director of the Amedeo Medical Literature guide (Amedeo.com).
Between 1991 and 2022, author and editor of numerous medical textbooks (HIV/AIDS – hivbook.com [16 editions], SARS – SarsReference.com, Influenza – InfluenzaReport.com, Hepatitis C – HepatologyTextbook.com, COVID-19 – COVIDReference.com, Monkeypox – PoxReference.com).
Author of several language manuals (French [3], Italian [3], Spanish, English, Sardinian).
Author of The Word Brain (www.TheWordBrain.com) and Ear2Memory (www.Ear2Memory.com).
Author of OLIENA (Open Language Interface for Enhanced Network Activity, www.oliena.com).