4: Principi Amedeu

In su P, su pullman chi andat a su Poetu, Elio (E) s’acostat a Carmen (C). | In the P bus going to the Poetto, Elio (E) approaches Carmen (C). | |
E | Na’, o Carmencita: e tui ita fais in sa vida? | Hey Carmencita, what do you do in life? |
C | No mi tzerris Carmencita, fai sa caridadi. Mi nant Carmen. | Please don’t call me Carmencita,. My name is Carmen. |
E | Anda beni, scusamí. | OK, sorry. |
C | Seu studiendi sociologia. E tui ita fais? | I study sociology. And you? |
E | Teatru. In mesu de (mes’e) atras cosas. Fatzu atru puru. Cantu ti stentas in Casteddu? | Theater. Among other things. I also do other things. How much time will you spend in Cagliari? |
C | In Casteddu apu a abarrai unus ses mesis. | I will stay in Cagliari for about 6 months. |
E | E aundi bivis? | And where do you live? |
C | Bivu in via Principi Amedeu, a sa parti arta, acanta de su cumandu militari. Bia dd’as cussa funi cun d’unu cadinu, de una fentana a s’atra? | I live in Prince Amedeo Street, in the upper part, near the Military Command. Did you see that rope with a basket, from one window to another? |
E | Eja, a s’artaria de Martinellis, su ristoranti. | Yes, near Martinellis, the restaurant. |
C | Ingunis. Biveus in d’unu palátziu a faci, a su costau de sa scalera. | That’s it. We live in the building opposite, next to the staircase. |
E | Bellu palátziu! E nci bivis a sola? | What a beautiful building! Do you live alone? |
C | No. Ci apu a bivi cun Félix, Charlotte, Dario e Sebastian. | No, I will live there with Félix, Charlotte, Dario and Sebastian. |
E | Ah, biveis in cincu. Fai sa spesa, su strexu, sciacuai sa roba, allichidiri… | Ah … you’re five (persons). Doing the shopping, the dishes, washing the clothes, cleaning the house… |
C | Eja, gé parit traballosa… Speru chi si pongaus de acordiu. Iat a essi una lástima a certai po (i) custus sciollorius… | Yes, indeed, it seems difficult. I hope we’ll find a modus vivendi. It would be a shame to fall out over this nonsense. |
E | Si donniunu fait su suu, gé ci arrennesceis, ajó! | If everyone does his part, you’ll succeed, come on! |
Sonat su telefunu. | The phone rings. | |
E | Ah, una telefonada de importu. Scusamí pagu pagu. | Oh, an important phone call. Excuse me a moment! |
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