Chapter 012

12: Biddanoa

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  Is amigus bessint de su palátziu de bia Printzipi Amedeu, pigant conca a susu, passant ananti de su Bastioni de Santu Remy e movint faci de su bixinau de Biddanoa. The friends come out of the building in Prince Amedeo Street, climb up, pass in front of the San Remy Bastion and head towards the district of Villanova.
E Allodda, Biddanoa. Si dda faeus un’acabussadedda in s’antigóriu de Casteddu, piciocus? Biddanoa est unu de is cuatru bixinaus antigus de Casteddu. C’est de su milli e duxentus. Here is Villanova! Shall we take a little dive into the past of Cagliari, guys? Villanova is one of the four historic districts of Cagliari. It has been (here) since 1200.
S Otuxentus (800) annus inantis a oi! Gé est nudda! 800 years ago! It’s a lot!
E A cumentzu ci fiant is domus de is messaius de su sartu. Aici fiant prus acanta a sa tzitadi po bendi sa cosa chi produsiant. Fintzas a cumentzu de su ‘900 (noixentus) is domus fiant ancora ingiriadas de ortus e bíngias. At the beginning there were the farmers’ houses in the countryside. So they were closer to the city to sell the things they produced. Until the beginning of the 1900s the houses were still surrounded by vegetable gardens and vineyards.
F E imoi puru est una bidda – una bidda in tzitadi. Mi praxit! And even now it is a village – a village in the city. I like it!
E A úrtimu est cambiendi unu pagu. Biis custas butegas e custus palátzius? Custu, custu e cust’atru. Comporaus e torraus a nou de unu meri de ditas casteddaiu. Nant chi comporit palátzius e domus a fuliadura. Lately it’s been changing a bit. Do you see these shops and these buildings? This, this one and this other one? Bought and renovated by a Cagliari entrepreneur. They say he buys buildings and apartments in quantity.
F Mí cussu bistiri de isposa! ‘Ta bellu! Look at this wedding dress! How beautiful!
C Eh, ma po si ddu ponni tocat a slangiri! Prus de cincuanta chilus, ingunis, no c’intrant. Eh, but to put it on one has to lose weight! More than fifty kilos don’t enter there.
F Est bellu a su própriu, c’est pagu de nai. It’s nice anyway, there’s nothing to say.
S Nara, e custu meri de ditas, est biu? Listen, and this entrepreneur, is he alive?
E Biu, biu! Ddu podis biri a giru in su bixinau casi dogna dí. Alive, alive! You can see him walking around the neighborhood almost every day.
S Ita ddi nanta? What’s his name?
E Nicola. Unu tipu curiosu. 25 (binticincu) annus inantis a oi est stétiu unu chi at biu su tempus benidori prima de totus. Nicola. An intriguing type. 25 years ago he was one who saw the future before anyone else.
S Su tempus benidori prima de… in Sardegna? E ita at biu? The future before … in Sardinia? And what did he see?
E Pensa chi at portau internet in Sardegna candu no ci fiat ní in Germania, ní in Francia, ní in Italia. Imagine that he brought the internet to Sardinia when there wasn’t any neither in Germany, nor in France, nor in Italy.
S Interessanti meda. Ascurta, intraus in custu bar? Parit una navi de piratas. Siguru chi tenint cosa bona. Mí custa lista de cocktail! Very interesting. Listen, shall we go into this bar? It looks like a pirate ship. Sure they have good things. Look at this cocktail list!




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